Thursday, April 30, 2009

Lucky is as Lucky Does

RUSH: A quick question. How many deaths from swine flu around the world? Do you know how many it is, Brian? How many deaths around the world from the swine flu? I'm stunned. Brian got it right. It's seven. There are only seven swine flu deaths, and they're all Mexicans. This is according to the World Health Organization. If you watch the Drive-By Media you would think, like H.R. just said, you would think everybody's dropping from this. It's actually not as dangerous a strain of flu as some of the ordinary common flus.

Seven people have died from the swine flu.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Fox News SUCKS

No talent hacks!


"Those of you who are watching certain news channels on which I'm not very popular, and you see folks waving tea bags around, Obama said, “let me just remind them that I am happy to have a serious conversation about how we are going to cut our health care costs down over the long term, how we are going to stabilize Social Security.”

“But,” Obama continued, “let's not play games and pretend that the reason [for the deficit] is because of the Recovery Act."

Yeah it is, boy. And now you stuck yourself in it.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Monday, April 27, 2009

Please, No More Pigs

The "swine flu" that has infected more than 1,000 people in Mexico has led a lawmaker on the House Homeland Security Committee to call on U.S. officials to close the southern border.

Rep. Eric Massa (D-N.Y.) said the border should be closed until the threat is resolved.

"The public needs to be aware of the serious threat of swine flu, and we need to close our borders to Mexico immediately and completely until this is resolved," Massa said in a statement.

"I am making this announcement because I see this as a serious threat to the health of the American public and I do not believe this issue is receiving the attention it needs to have in the news," Massa said.

Let them eat pork?
Mexico City watch thieves hide behind flu masks...

Friday, April 24, 2009

Watermark on Sean Hannity

MSNBC news commentator Keith Olbermann is taking on his Fox News counterpart Sean Hannity over the issue of waterboarding – in a rather extreme way. He blasted Hannity’s views on the issue and said he would donate $1,000 to charity for every second that Hannity is waterboarded.

Hannity, in an argument with actor Charles Grodin on Fox, defended waterboarding, calling it a means of “enhanced interrogation.”

When Grodin asked Hannity if he would consent to be waterboarded himself, the Fox anchor replied, "Sure. I'll do it for charity. I'll let you do it. I'll do it for the troops' families."

That wasn’t enough for Olbermann. "What a breakthrough it would be if, by having reality literally forced upon him, a buffoon like Hannity were to realize the deadly seriousness of this," Olbermann says.

Sorry Uberbitch, Boba Fett's got better things to do....


MEXICO CITY (AP) - Mexican authorities said 60 people may have died from a swine flu virus in Mexico, and world health officials worry it could unleash a global flu epidemic. Mexico City closed schools across the metropolis Friday in hopes of containing the outbreak that has sickened more than 900.

"Dr. Anne Schuchat of the CDC said "at this point, we do not have any confirmations of swine influenza in Mexico" of the kind that sickened seven California and Texas residents. All seven recovered from symptoms that were like those of the regular flu, mostly involving fever, cough and sore throat, though some of the seven also experienced vomiting and diarrhea. "

Thursday, April 23, 2009


You had me with the "R-"

War on Confidence

America tortures Navy Seals as part of their training in case they are captured then they know how to avoid brainwashing. Here's a Fox panel discussing torture, what's their excuse?

Since they've never been tortured in their life they are easily controlled by popular sentiment. Funny with how everybody wants me to write a book about torturing children anyway, I lament how I could have been waterboarded with feces when I was in high school. Now that is a missed opportunity. Like these guys with their $200 haircuts I would have made a lot of money by now.

No Sir, YOU are the Outlaw

"Singling out political opponents for working against the ruling party is precisely the tactic of every tyrannical government from Red China to Venezuela," Texas Rep. John Carter told Politico. He organized an hour of floor speeches Wednesday night to call for Napolitano's ouster.

“The first step in the process is creating unfounded public suspicion of political opponents, followed by arresting and jailing any who continue speaking against the regime.”

Nearly three in 10 Americans say Fox News Channel has been too critical of President Barack Obama.

HA-ha! Fox News viewers are only 30% candyass.

Paling Around with Conservatives

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

For the Lamentations of the Women

Are You a Terrorist?
terrorist certificate - Photo Hosted at Buzznet

Ban GunFree Zones Now!

MOTOR CITY MADMAN: So why in God's good name would any human being wish to force unarmed helplessness on another? That level of cruel indecency and forced victimization is incomprehensible to me and about 100,000,000 Americans who own guns. Self-defense is the most powerful, driving instinct of good people everywhere. To deny this is evil personified. Write this down—GunFreeZones are a felon's playgrounds.

A top National Rifle Association official said the Obama administration is using the increasingly violent drug cartels in Mexico as an excuse to push for reinstating the ban on assault weapons.

"They're trying to piggyback this whole phony issue on the back of the tragedy in Mexico," said Wayne LaPierre, executive vice president of the gun-rights group, on CBS' "Face the Nation" program Sunday.

The 1994 assault-weapons ban "was enacted ... on the basis of saying these were machine guns. That's a lie. They were rapid-fire. That's a lie. They made bigger holes. That's a lie. They were more powerful. That's a lie. It was lie after lie after lie," he said. "Congress found it out. That's why they let it expire, and lies that are found out don't get re-enacted."

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Washington is the Toilet Now Dump

Stated plainly in the idiot language the left understands:
We ask you to help us
Work for that day
When black will not be asked to get in back
When yellow can be mellow
When brown can stick around
When the red man can get ahead man

Well it's better than war. This land belongs to those who work to keep it productive. The left can tax and spend but they are incompetent when it comes to cleaning up their own steaming pile. They leave that mess for the taxpayers who are fed up wiping the ass of liberals of all creeds. It's time for the left to swallow a log in the name of freedom!

For anyone who stands in your way, throw them in and flush 'em all!

"Their synapses are misfiring. ... It is a neurological problem we are dealing with," Garofalo said.

Who would have though the “normal” people would be the ones so fascinated with shit and forcing others to eat it. They even take their time with it too, they have this whole process you have to go through as complex as any alien courtship you see on Star Trek. First they'll crap in front of you and wait for you to slip in it. Then they smear you all over and flip you up on the other side after adding some fresh diarrhea and vomit. The you think wait, this isn't what I thought it was, yes I could go on with my personal experience with necropolis but it's too disgusting for me to think about.

I think they should dress as mexicans but should tea party-goers in California wear blue shirts?
molarahmno - Photo Hosted at Buzznet

WSJ Suggests Runoff

Franken v. Coleman:
Another solution is to hold a special Senate election. Minnesota law does not specifically provide for such a runoff. However, the U.S. Constitution's 17th amendment does provide states with a roadmap for filling "vacancies," which might be a legal starting point for a do-over. Even before the shifting standards of the contest trial, the St. Paul Pioneer Press looked at the ballot-counting evidence and called for a revote. It could be that this is where the court case is leading in any event.

"Democrats want to portray Mr. Coleman as a sore loser and make the Republican worry that he will ruin his chances for other political office. But Mr. Coleman has a legitimate grievance that not all votes have been treated equally. If the Franken standard of disparate absentee-voter treatment is allowed to stand, every close election will be settled by a legal scramble to change the vote-counting rules after Election Day. Minnesota should take the time to get this one right."

Friday, April 17, 2009

Flapjack for Chavez

Texas Not the Threat They Thought

Thirty-one percent (31%) of Texas voters say that their state has the right to secede from the United States and form an independent country.

That is a fact and a provision in the Texas constitution but not necessarily form their own rebellious foreign power that is silly to speculate right now and only feeds public discrimination. Now are the liberals up in D.C. going to say 31% in this poll is not a majority and if Texas moves forward according to the 10th Amendment and then suddenly the state has less rights than they thought?

"However, the latest Rasmussen Reports poll in the state finds that if the matter was put to a vote, it wouldn’t even be close. Three-fourths (75%) of Lone Star State voters would opt to remain in the United States. Only 18% would vote to secede, and seven percent (7%) are not sure what they'd choose. "

Contrary to the left-wing government which smears conservatives constantly with conjecture of civil disobedience, legislation to reject stimulus money for useless programs like welfare or community service by reaffirming the 10th Amendment isn't exactly as extreme an idea as seceding from the Republic and launching nukes at Washington D.C., but for those idiots who are so worthless they need your sacrificial tax dollars as worship to make themselves feel haughty as if they served in Vietnam and more in control of your personal life through media fads, it's all the same to them.

To rebuke their "genetic superiority" and disrespect the Democrats attempt to establish a bloodline of world kings and impede some pinhead's idea of the natural progress of societal evolution, tis a fate worse than death it is, with one foot in the bughouse and the other foot in a pile of crap.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Neo-Nazis, Militias, Secessionists and Racists

Has Michelle Malkin suddenly become a sultry goddess or does Pelosi make her look that much better? Is that even a fair comparison for Michelle, who's always been a sultry goddess compared to the other pundits out there.

“This initiative is funded by the high end; we call it AstroTurf, it's not really a grass-roots movement. It's AstroTurf by some of the wealthiest people in America to keep the focus on tax cuts for the rich instead of for the great middle class,” Pelosi said.

slither fat lady small - Photo Hosted at Buzznet
I believe all those points are refuted, your foulness. Nobody's listening except your inglorious bureaucratic underlings seeking to impose your wretched will on unsuspecting magical minority stereotypes. In other words, people who are fictional, a creation of your own corrupt race-baiting policies. YOU HAVE NO INFLUENCE HERE.


FOXNEWS 3,262,000
MSNBC 1,137,000
CNN 1,059,000

Laura Ingraham doctrine applied to Susan Roesgen, I would have slapped the ACORNs out of her mouth but rich women don't respect me anyway.

Teabagging Themselves

As it happens, when talking to an engaged, informed, and patriotic American, when a tea party is discussed the images of Boston Harbor, taxes and American history immediately come to mind. A true American automatically thinks of the American Revolution, the birth of our nation and that proud tradition of self-reliance and rugged individualism infused into our country by its founders. The words invoke the entire panoply of America in the minds of real Americans everywhere.

"Then we come to the left. Apparently, the first thing that comes to their "minds" is some arcane, disgusting sexual perversion and not American history and tradition.

The rest are generally mixed with the sexual reference.

Now, I won't give a direct link to this site because the entries added by its users are often profane. If you are that interested, go to the Urban Dictionary site and search the term "teabagger" or "teabagging," etc.and you'll get all the ignorance you desire. In fact, it couldn't be worse if you watched MSNBC all day, it's that mindnumbingly stupid."


Hey Obama Suck on His Machine Gun

Any liberals spamming #tcot and dissing the tea parties can suck on my bowling pin.
Picture 579 - Photo Hosted at Buzznet

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

NPR Gets Hate Mail

The NPR-distributed talk show On Point from WBUR in Boston – which airs nationwide on 169 stations – took up “Angry America” as a topic on Monday, illustrated on the show’s website with pictures of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, and Michael Savage. Host Tom Ashbook summarized that radio talk could lead to violence:

“Lately, the language on air in the age of President Obama, economic bust, and big government bailouts, has been particularly hot – and hot when sales of guns and ammunition are surging.”

Free speech is hate mail now? Rush Limbaugh is a buffoon who encourages violence? If talk radio drives ammo sales I should open a gun shop to go with my blog.

Lincoln Says You're a #####

Look at him try to speak like he was Rush for my amusement, monkey!

Such filth, CNN should sue this angry Republican for child endangerment. Oh, look at the seething hatred against the government which feeds you, cares for you, he has no right to oppose!

If a CNN reporter declares our 51st state to be called Lincoln on that very spot right in front of you where she stands, you can't say anything about it! You can't hurt me I'm in my own state and I got $50,000 that says so.

teabot - Photo Hosted at Buzznet

Free Speech Via Stun Gun

Tancredo runs down protesters the right way.

NeoCons Dig Their Own Grave

DC Tea Party allowed to get this close to the White House then the secret service shuts them down when somebody throws a teabag over the fence. Yes, they're loud and a bit rowdy BUT CONSERVATIVES ARE NO THREAT TO NATIONAL SECURITY!!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

HAA Rush's Cat Screws Obama's Dog

In another bit of Clintonian maneuvering, the Obamas have gotten around the perfectly sensible demands from animal rights activists that they adopt an abandoned dog rather than purchase one from a breeder by finding one that had been returned to the breeder by a family who no longer wanted it. So it's a purebred, and a Kennedy, but also homeless!

Meghan McCain, noted huge fatty and budding pundit want you to have the right to marry!

I'm a Terrorist NOOOW

Obama thinks conservatives must be monitored for precrimes against the minority establishment.

(U//FOUO) DHS/I&A will be working with its state and local partners over the next several months to ascertain with greater regional specificity the rise in rightwing extremist activity in the United States, with a particular emphasis on the political, economic, and social factors that drive rightwing extremist radicalization.

[minority voice]
Aw damn is that serious? Roll a blunt, ya'll. Puffy ass shit.

SNAP this fool can't actually believe in this free-market Constitution-based Christian national security, not when we call it terrorism! Where's the punchline? Every fool needs a punchline, how else can he whore his body to minority races? Suicide online for donations to his church and donate the body to science? No fool has anything to live for so stop breathing our precious oxygen and eliminate your own carbon footprint. Fool cain staind like a main and take his fate up heis ass. Got to run home hide behinds his fat mama and play da fool online. Cain stick up for hisself like a main too scared to live now die a fool mothahfuckah. Godsdamn you vermin for overpopulation! Swallow the kool-aid whole and be a fool. I HATE YOU! HATEYOOHATEYOOBULLFROGMAMAHATEYOOOMUYMUCHO!

[/minority voice]

The South Shall Rise and Restore the Republic

WAKE UP CALL: TEXAS GOV. BACK RESOLUTION AFFIRMING STATE SOVEREIGNTY...'Federal government has become oppressive in size... intrusion into lives of citizens''Tired of Washington trying to tell us how to run Texas'...VIDEO...


Galdarn it ain't I glad my parents decided to stay in California to learn me my lessons but good. Yet I still equate speaking Spanish with lamentations for Nazi Germany. Chicano pride, beat you til you like eeeeeeeeeet! Maybe some fool should haul off and kill me for disrespect, yo.

I will now repent to my royal neighbors for my rebellion in order to save my mother from being kidnapped and taken the slaughterhouse outside town where taco meat is produced.

sisepuede - Photo Hosted at Buzznet
How dare Texas deny Mexican entitlement!
Death to America!
Glory the Chicano race!
Viva la Raza!


My parents bought different toilet paper this week.

It's nice how they set goals for my life.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Shoot On Sight

Conservatives outlawed by Homeland Security yeehaw!

Rightwing extremism in the United States can be broadly divided into those groups, movements, and adherents that are primarily hate-oriented (based on hatred of particular religious, racial or ethnic groups), and those that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely. It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration.

It's not like conservatives are really that crazy, it's the idea that now they are expected to be driven insane my urban life, the economic downturn or whatever the media says you should watch out for. It's only reasonable. Oh the paranoid ramblings of the infirm shall not be tolerated by the statist oligarchy, the weak must be purged and it's up to you citizen, to uphold the law.

SOUND THE ALARM! Do not allow Republicans in your neighborhood. They are a pestilence on minority laborers and *GASP* slave drivers. Rise up against the oppressors! Burn them with your hip hop lobotomy


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Obama Waited Too Long

You see a threat you shoot it, it's not a difficult concept. Instead we're forced to take part in a grand week long operatic overture glorifying the Obama Administration's poise and confidence while the Associated Press crafts a class warfare styled hit piece promoting the courageous and downtrodden “nautical organizers” who were killed to a bloody pulp by United States Navy Seals.

The rescue was a dramatic blow to the pirates who have preyed on international shipping and hold more than a dozen ships with about 230 foreign sailors. But it is unlikely to do much to quell the region's growing pirate threat, which has transformed one of the world's busiest shipping lanes into one of its most dangerous. It also risked provoking retaliatory attacks.

"This could escalate violence in this part of the world, no question about it," said Gortney, the commander of U.S. Naval Forces Central Command.

Abdullahi Lami, one of the pirates holding the Greek ship anchored in the Somali town of Gaan, said: "Every country will be treated the way it treats us. In the future, America will be the one mourning and crying," he told The Associated Press. "We will retaliate (for) the killings of our men."

Jamac Habeb, a 30-year-old self-proclaimed pirate, told the AP from one of Somalia's piracy hubs, Eyl, that: "From now on, if we capture foreign ships and their respective countries try to attack us, we will kill them (the hostages)."

"Now they became our number one enemy," Habeb said of U.S. forces.

Oh, the resolve and courage displayed by the pirate kings is an inspiration to all mankind! Those evil Navy Squids picking on someone so intelligent and articulate, why this Jamac Habeb should be a head of state. I want to be Jack Sparrow when I grow up!

Jamac Habeb, a 30-year-old pirate, said that the killing of the three pirates was "a painful experience."

"This is unfortunate action and our friends should have done more to kill the captain before they were killed. This will be a good lesson for us," Habeb told the AP

Gortney, the commander of U.S. Naval Forces Central Command, said the White House had given "very clear guidance and authority" to take action if Phillips' life was in danger.

YOU DON'T THINK HIS LIFE WAS IN DANGER FIVE DAYS AGO!?! You don't think there have been subs loaded with Seal teams under those waters for eight months since the Somali pirate ports became operational???

Is Obama Really the Messiah?

In a daring rescue operation on the high seas, U.S. Navy snipers killed three Somali pirates as they pointed their weapons at Capt. Richard Phillips. The captain, who had offered himself up as a hostage so that his crew might escape, praised the U.S. Navy Seal commandos who executed their mission flawlessly.

SHOCKING! He waited for Easter until he gave the order to rescue!

Oh what a.....d-bag!

Thank you Lord God for bring us Jesus so we wouldn't have to rely on the United States government.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Worse Than Stupid

WASHINGTON (AP) - FBI agents are investigating the Somali pirates who hijacked a U.S. ship and are holding its captain hostage, U.S. officials said Saturday, raising the possibility of federal charges against the men if they are captured.



I DELIGHT IN YOUR DESPAIR! I'll counter all of AP's talking points without reference links and with half my brain tied behind my back Rushian-style:

Anyone who thinks Christians have weakness yet also find media-induced social controls too restricting may find themselves cozy'd up to the classic deist crowd. Thomas Paine was a deist, not an atheist, the difference found when you consider that Christians don't actually believe in ghosts as they have been stereotyped by atheists who felt Christians need further segregation from the "more reasonable" crowd as if they evolved from reptiles.

Opposers to the Declaration of Independence were often fundamentalist Christians and servants to the English crown who, while agreeing with any number of good points brought up in Continental Congress, were mostly afraid of the geopolitical backlash and religious destabilization our Founding Fathers were lucky enough to be able to punt for 300 years. My generation has to deal with that now so atheists need to shut their holes because they're not helping anything. Relabel yourself with the classic deists if you don't appreciate Al Gore or get out of the way.

Atheists are the ones who believe that mankind has the power to pollute the atmosphere, change the climate and melt the polar regions. Not since human beings believed the world was flat has any one idea imposed the height of arrogance and superstition to believe that industry can tilt the Earth before the Earth can tilt you. Try jumping off a cliff if you don't believe me, no amount of pollution can save you. To place limits on anyone's ability is the greatest of Orwellian cruelty. The cult of global warming is a myth created to empower America's enemies and inspire them into anarchist insurrection.

An enemy of Independence is an enemy of the Constitution itself and of the American People.

Atheists are skilled at one thing, skulduggery, slicing you open and removing your hope as painfully as possible. That is not the message of Independence found in Thomas Paine's works. This is why atheists are the ones who must be managed as the village idiots because their own counter-theology worshiping humanism and behavioral exploration is spiritually dangerous to have around as they feast on despair and delight in desecration. It is the atheist who is the barbaric ravager and the Christian is who is the nation-builder and world-mender. George Washington didn't win the Revolution chasing by ghosts.

So that's What All the Mariachi Music Was

31 arrests in Delano gang sweep
The Operation was very successful, with 31 arrests. The arrests were the result of Parole and Probation compliance checks, along with the service of active felony and misdemeanor warrants for wanted gang members.

Oldoway homes we pickin cabbage and leavin our garbage on your lawn.

Double Dumbass On You!

Friday, April 10, 2009

2 killed in Michigan Community College

Police say two people have been killed in what they believe was a murder-suicide at a community college in Dearborn.

Is this a fad or people reacting to the media coverage of the murders from last week? Would it appear any different if it were an organized threat? Either way it's still the same millennium fever that got Obama elected so everybody should at least lock their doors.

I can imagine these guys saying “I love to tweak people it makes me feel validated like I really existed on this world before I killed you and you died. Oh look at the faggot over there on the floor the noise gave him a heart attack. It's so funny he should lay down in the hospital but he's too gay. Woooooooooooo!”

Two Lifetimes to Dig Out

Negotiations with socialism is like negotiations with pirates.

Pirates: We have your ship and its Captain whom we are going to kill.
Obama Admin: What do you want?
Pirates: We want to kill your Captain.
Obama Admin: Can we offer you ransom in exchange for the Captain?
Pirates: No we want to kill him we called you to tell you that. WTF is wrong with you? Do you think we are stupid? We have seen what you have done to your own economy and we do not want your strings attached to our privateer operation.
Obama Admin: What if we make the shipping company pay ransom?
Pirates: We wait for money then we kill your Captain.

The only chance the free market has to survive is a shootout against the government, and the same for the Captain.

Tea Parties Need More Firepower

Liberal groups like ACORN will plan to infiltrate the events. This is to be expected. The fact that there are so many of these events taking place -- that they are "disorganized" -- and that they will feature political novices (not the pros pulling the strings) -- makes it likely there will be some gaffes committed. Don't be surprised if someone says something radical from the podium, and that ends up on the blogs, MSNBC, etc.

"More concerning, is the attempt to mock these events or portray them as some sort of "dangerous" extremist gathering. Unless Glenn Beck is correct -- and we are in danger of some sort of Obama-led police state -- such attacks by the left are sure to backfire. If the "redcoats" in the media go to war with the Tea Party Movement, it will only reinforce the notion that traditional American values are, in fact, under attack. "

Infiltration will be a problem but may be countered by a greater effort within the Tea Parties charter with provision for networking to make sure everybody knows each other during the planning stages to avoid problems. I doubt local talk radio hosts talking trash weeks before the event would be enough to secure the crowd once the party starts. Ann Coulter lists a few of the underground radical operative types in the recent news from the past week who could in one act of voilence have Tea Parties outlawed:

-- Richard Poplawski, 23, product of a broken family, expelled from high school and dishonorably discharged from the Marines, who killed three policemen in Pittsburgh.

-- Former crack addict Jiverly Wong, 41, who told co-workers "America sucks" yet somehow was not offered a job as a speechwriter for Barack Obama. Wong blockaded his victims in a civic center in Binghamton, N.Y., and shot as many people as he could, before killing himself.

-- Robert Stewart, 45, a three-time divorcee and high school dropout with "violent tendencies" -- according to one of his ex-wives -- who shot up the nursing home in Carthage, N.C., where his newly estranged wife worked.

-- Lovelle Mixon, 26, a paroled felon, struggling to get his life back on track by pimping, who shot four cops in Oakland, Calif. -- before eventually being shot himself.

-- Twenty-eight-year-old Michael McLendon, child of divorce, living with his mother and boycotting family funerals because he hated his relatives, who killed 10 of those relatives and their neighbors in Samson, Ala.

Obama Using Pirates For Census

Oh sorry, "Merchant Marine Organizers." Evil doesn’t do nuance. It finds you, it tests you, and you either fight it or you’re part of the problem.

Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele says the Obama administration is partnering with the liberal activist organization ACORN to rig the upcoming census.

AP Analysis: Pirates Put Obama in A Bind He commands overwhelming firepower but he doesn't want to use it because he doesn't want to offend his true allies.

Obama's a fracken coward who'd rather rig elections than defend our citizens.

Evil is now just another negotiation. Pirates and terrorists are better known for their human rights than for their inhuman wrongs. Liberals, ACORN, gangbangers, drug cartels, terrorists, rogue states need to be lumped together by conservative media using free speech protections as enemies of the Constitution if this country is to survive united.

Blame Yourself

Now that the stimulus bill has indebted taxpayers for over a trillion Newsmax mentions the total cost of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq also near a trillion. What are conservatives supposed to tell ill-informed Democrats who believe the Bush doctrine has tanked the economy?

Democrat bloggers are so incompetent they demand a bailout:
Some of the leading liberal bloggers are privately furious with the major progressive groups — and in some cases, the Democratic Party committees — for failing to spend money advertising on their sites, even as these groups constantly ask the bloggers for free assistance in driving their message.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

When in Doubt Euthanasize

It's something in liberals' DNA: They think they can pass a law eliminating guns and nuclear weapons, but teenagers having sex is completely beyond our control.

"Instead of having Planned Parenthood distribute condoms in schools, they ought to get the NRA to pass out revolvers. It would save more lives.

It might make more sense to outlaw men than guns. Or divorce. Or crack. Or to prohibit felons from having guns. "

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Rush pushed it to far, huh? Does somebody want to push me too far? They better bring more than they have to run me down. But they're scared, frightened by their own limits, they must be because the world would reward them greatly yet they haven't done anything about it.

..duh...gah....uh....nah-never seen a liberal teacher this h-hawhot...

obamapwn - Photo Hosted at Buzznet

Iran's Missile Screen

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has made the Iranian threat a top priority of his administration, congratulated defense officials for the successful test. "While we are for peace, we will know how to defend ourselves," he said.

In a statement, the Defense Ministry said the interceptor shot down "a missile simulating a ballistic threat in especially challenging conditions." It called the test "an important step in the development program and the development of operational abilities to counter the growing threat of ballistic missiles in the region."

Now that's more like it!

We Do Not Behave Like Them

Monday, April 6, 2009

Soros Enough to Bring the Bitters

I think the dollar is now under question and I think the system will need to be reformed, so that the United States will be subject to the same discipline as is imposed on other countries," said Soros, whose famous bet against the British pound earned his Quantum Fund $1 billion in 1992. "Being the main issuer of international currency, we have been exempt and we have abused that because we have effectively consumed 6.5 percent more than we have produced. That is now coming to an end."

"China recently proposed greater use of Special Drawing Rights, possibly as an eventual global reserve currency. "In the long run, having an international accounting unit rather than the dollar may, in fact, be to our advantage so we can't splurge—you know, it felt very good for 25 years but now we are paying a very heavy price," Soros said."

Don't tell me what I cannot do
Don't think I've got to run from you

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Militia Movement is No Help at All

Going back to my Ron Paul isolationist post, this video is creepy paranoid, I'm just a blogger and I don't want anything to do with extremism. Bush/Cheney juxtaposed over the burning WTC? Just as disgusting as Daily Kos blaming conservatives for those shootouts last week.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Why I Despise Mexicans

“Two years ago this week, my 16-year-old daughter, Tessa, and her best friend Allison were killed as they were sitting at in intersection waiting for a red light to change,”

"Since his daughter’s death, Tranchant, a professor from Virginia Beach, has become an advocate for the enforcement of immigration law. He referred to individuals listed on the Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s database of illegal aliens with criminal backgrounds as “banditos.”
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That comment drew a rebuff from Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.).
“Mr. Tranchant, can I share with you as the father of two daughters, I thank you for bringing your testimony here, but I suggest to you that if we refer to people as banditos, as you referred to them in your testimony, it does not help to solve the problem,” Gutierrez said."
sisepuede - Photo Hosted at Buzznet

When law enforcement doesn't call a criminal by name its bound to solve somebody's problem. I ain't got no money so I should just kill myself. Maybe cops should stop arresting illegal alien criminals altogether and solve the problem on the street. No? Well I guess it must be time for me to have some of that electro-shock therapy.

Aren't they afraid I can get out of hand like this guy? Well he's white isn't he, and he fits the profile. WOOOOOOOOOOO!

"Don't tase me, spoonhead!" soooo much fun to watch suffering when it's not your own, ain't that right Rep. Gutierrez?

Richard Poplawski: Was Pittsburgh shooter driven by right-wing gun paranoia about Obama?
Gunman ‘lying in wait’ kills 3 Pittsburgh officers; friends say he feared Obama would ban guns

Republicans: It's Time For Restraint

American families are having to sacrifice, and Republicans say the federal government should follow their example

I've worked for two socialist SOBs and each of them demanded sacrifice from me which in turn they used to enrich themselves and ruin my life even though I haven't worked in five years. They don't understand that business must be capitalist as in win/win instead of win/lose or in other words somebody has to give up part of their life for someone else. The same culture permeates this wretched hive of crap they're proud to call an hispaaanyooo community where you're expecting too much from a wetback to pay cash for a $3 screwdriver. And the Fed which only fights when it knows it can win because the individual is no match for the crushing force of the bureaucracy. The individual is remade to accept Obama in his Glory as their only hope, a final filth-ridden desperate appeal for clemency.

Now at long last comes the Fed in their infinite wisdom who would rather you embrace Shariah Law instead of the free market and shoot an appropriate number of people they tell you to hate, eye for an eye. Please go crazy so we can make an example of you. You know you want to, they can feel the hate swelling in you now. They crave it, they neeeeeed it, they whiiiine for it. When it overcomes you, it happens to you, it happens to your family. Then your faith as invested by Obama the Glorious Life is restored.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Now There's Oversite

"In fact, it’s not even close. The fact is, only 17 percent of guns found at Mexican crime scenes have been traced to the U.S."

Just like the fools next door pounding their truck stereo who gives a damn about the situation in Mexico when there are Republicans to snipe and agendas to fry.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


The problem with Ron Paul isolationists is it's one thing to prepare for armageddon and quite another to prepare your own soul to go to heaven. Also their radical bible interpretations seem to be as disrespectful of history as some of Obama's hordes. Besides the conservative movement is still in the process of defending free speech and as Rush says, it's not time to panic yet. God save us if this militia witch hunt dissolves Missouri into a southern fried Sicily.

Bush and Cheney didn't have anything to do with 9/11 and the War on Terror was a very appropriate response and will keep us safe for oh, another couple years at least. If the Fed takes a low tolerance stance then I'd be willing to accept the inconvenience but only if they produce enough result to remove the bad guys out of the population. I'm sure many conservatives would agree even though the current administration has disarmed and renamed the war effort to appease foreign terrorist powers proceeding peace talks and stimulus loan sharking in the middle east.

I've been through airport screenings and they didn't seem to appreciate the action figures I bought but who cares, I got home and the plane didn't crash. One may blame government expansionism for this situation either way because either side in the matter is entrenched in massive bureaucracy. I guess the only people who use cash anymore are drug dealers. I see this as very respective of the declining value of the dollar when entitlement nearly demands use of more electronic funds even though as I'm under the impression it's easier to commit campaign fraud that way.

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