Thirty-one percent (31%) of Texas voters say that their state has the right to secede from the United States and form an independent country.
That is a fact and a provision in the Texas constitution but not necessarily form their own rebellious foreign power that is silly to speculate right now and only feeds public discrimination. Now are the liberals up in D.C. going to say 31% in this poll is not a majority and if Texas moves forward according to the 10th Amendment and then suddenly the state has less rights than they thought?
"However, the latest Rasmussen Reports poll in the state finds that if the matter was put to a vote, it wouldn’t even be close. Three-fourths (75%) of Lone Star State voters would opt to remain in the United States. Only 18% would vote to secede, and seven percent (7%) are not sure what they'd choose. "
Contrary to the left-wing government which smears conservatives constantly with conjecture of civil disobedience, legislation to reject stimulus money for useless programs like welfare or community service by reaffirming the 10th Amendment isn't exactly as extreme an idea as seceding from the Republic and launching nukes at Washington D.C., but for those idiots who are so worthless they need your sacrificial tax dollars as worship to make themselves feel haughty as if they served in Vietnam and more in control of your personal life through media fads, it's all the same to them.
To rebuke their "genetic superiority" and disrespect the Democrats attempt to establish a bloodline of world kings and impede some pinhead's idea of the natural progress of societal evolution, tis a fate worse than death it is, with one foot in the bughouse and the other foot in a pile of crap.