Friday, August 28, 2009

What's Up?


What's up?


Everything Must Go!

SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is hoping that the "Great California Garage Sale" will turn government clutter like surplus prison uniforms and office furniture into cash to bulk up the state's depleted finances.

"The Obama tags? We'd buy some of those."

Bill would give president emergency control of Internet Don't want your headline copied don't write it engaging, yo.

To bury the liberal's pope Time's Amy Sullivan Plays Up Teddy's Catholicism

BASTA! After Kennedy's Death: Silence from the Pope

Kidnapped woman hidden in CA backyard for 18 years Guy gets better psych treatment than I do, he should run for senate.

Natalie Portman Loves Obscene Hip Hop, Ice Cream Cake Hi yo!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Pure Swastika

"Every swastika case in last decade was painted by a Left Winger"

Assimilate This!

Any wonder why conservatives are showing up armed? Because they know from experience what to expect.
Stay safe don't get fooled.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

No Hide from Salinas Pride

"This subculture of violence has become embedded," Salinas Mayor Dennis Donohue said. "This has cast a large shadow on the city."

The main rivalry in town is the Nortenos (Northerners) versus the Surenos (Southerners), although there are 22 known gangs here. Out of more than 145,000 residents, police say about 3,500 are gang members.

19th Murder Of The Year In Salinas

Friday, August 21, 2009

Mexican Cartels Given Hero's Welcome

MEXICO CITY (AP) - Mexico decriminalized small amounts of marijuana, cocaine and heroin on Friday—a move that prosecutors say makes sense even in the midst of the government's grueling battle against drug traffickers.

The new law sets out maximum "personal use" amounts for drugs, also including LSD and methamphetamine. People detained with those quantities no longer face criminal prosecution.

Drug-induced honor killings will follow.

They call me a suicide bomber already.
Here comes Hispanic Islam:

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I've Been Such an Ass

Obamacare Pays 'Community Organizations' to Monitor Your Weight
TYPES OF MEASURES. — In carrying out subparagraph (A), the eligible entity shall, with respect to residents in the community, measure —
(i) decreases in weight;
(ii) increases in proper nutrition;
(iii) increases in physical activity;
(iv) decreases in tobacco use prevalence;
(v) other factors using community specific data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey; and
(vi) other factors as determined by the Secretary.

Karl Marx Is 'Back in Vogue'

East German socialism is awesome!

Monday, August 17, 2009


* Fire believed linked to Mexican drug traffickers
* Marijuana growers likely still in area

Conservatives Now Outnumber Liberals

( - Self-identified conservatives outnumber self-identified liberals in all 50 states of the union, according to the Gallup Poll.

At the same time, more Americans nationwide are saying this year that they are conservative than have made that claim in any of the last four years.

In 2009, 40% percent of respondents in Gallup surveys that have interviewed more than 160,000 Americans have said that they are either “conservative” (31%) or “very conservative” (9%). That is the highest percentage in any year since 2004.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

That's Special

SEOUL, South Korea — North Korea says its military will be on "special alert" because of South Korea's joint military drills with the U.S.

Gates of Hell

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama's administration signaled on Sunday it is ready to abandon the idea of giving Americans the option of government-run health insurance as part of his ambitious health care proposal.

Facing mounting opposition to the overhaul, administration officials left open the chance for a compromise with Republicans that would include health insurance cooperatives. Such a concession is likely to enrage his liberal supporters but could deliver Obama a much-needed win on a top domestic priority opposed by GOP lawmakers.

Speaking in Mexico, Obama Calls American Opponents of Immigration Amnesty ‘Demagogues’

Friday, August 14, 2009

No Sell

Obama continues to portray himself as a myth-buster keeping the healthcare debate honest. Yet he repeated several of the same inaccuracies that various sources corrected him on after his town hall meeting Tuesday in New Hampshire.

After that event, the AARP issued a statement refuting Obama's claim the organization had endorsed his healthcare reform plan. The AARP has not endorsed any healthcare reform proposal.

“It does cost revenue, as the Congressional Budget Office numbers show,” Gerald Prante of the Tax Foundation tells Newsmax. “So you have to pay for that somehow, and the House bill actually includes a surtax that would be imposed on high-income taxpayers, those making above $350,000."

Would there be enough money raised from high-income earners, or would the Democratic plan necessitate a tax increase on the middle class?

News For You

WASHINGTON -- The Pentagon is upsetting the nation's governors by pushing for authority to call up military reservists for natural disasters — and to control how the troops would be used in any state.

"Control" is the key word.

What happened to “immigration?”

That's Hawt

A Job for Crowder

Fear for Obama's Safety Grows as Hate Groups Thrive on Racial Backlash
Experts who track hate groups across the U.S. are growing increasingly concerned over violent rhetoric targeted at President Obama, especially as the debate over health care intensifies and a pattern of threats emerges.

In order to flag myself properly this next video will seek to expose my own personal racial insensitivities.

So what this tells me is they can dish it out but they can't take it.

So I guess we're supposed to think the mild-mannered Democrat doctor Representative Scott yelled at now has a vendetta against the Congressman. Of course sometimes "hate crimes" are real but these fools seem to be taking advantage off current events for their own shenanigans, making it appear hick yokels from the Republican party are stalking them. Personally I don't know anybody white who speaks with that bad of an accent or would have the indecency to vandalize a swastika with black paint instead of red paint as if it makes a difference. Whoa hey, my god.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Dingell is Rank!

Last Ride

Washington (AP) - President Barack Obama is switching his message on his overhaul of the nation's health care system, readying a fresh pitch designed for those who already have insurance.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Up Yers

WASHINGTON -- Bipartisan opposition is emerging in the Senate to a plan by House lawmakers to spend $550 million for additional passenger jets for senior government officials.

Bombings Kill at Least 45 in Iraq

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Captain Action

Joe Biden is Working- Vice President Joe Biden cited more positive economic data yesterday to buttress the Obama administration’s contention that its $787 billion stimulus program is doing its job revving up the economy.

Left Kind of President

Even as Obama's popularity slips slightly and approval ratings for Democrats in Congress remain low, the GOP numbers are even worse. Chances of a political tsunami like that when Republicans swept Democrats from control of Congress in 1994 seem unlikely.


That is the dumbest video I've ever seen. Places context on Homeland Security's decision to classify “right-wing extremists” as terrorists. What do you expect from a guy who won the election by throwing off accusations of Marxism by saying “you're selfish.” Well, I must be the height of evil if I would rather stay at home instead of being relocated to an internment camp.

President Barack Obama sent Congress a Pentagon budget of $640.1 billion, which the House adjusted and scaled back to $636.3 billion. During that process, members requested $550 million to purchase eight passenger jets. Obama originally sought only $220 million to buy four planes.

This places national security on lockdown and the cost of dissent equal to Gitmo internment. If you don't learn to STFU you are a burden on your family and your ethnic race. Then the only judgement available to you will be through social justice while the government awaits to award players with pleasant healthcare. They're from the government and they're here to throw the dirt on your grave.

Oligarchy is the only thing left to live for otherwise they lock me up and force me to take drugs.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Joke's on Obama!

Now that everybody hates his guts:
Aug. 7 (Bloomberg) -- The Dow Jones Industrial Average and the Dow Jones Transportation Average rose to their highest levels of the year, a bullish sign for the U.S. stock market among traders who use charts to make forecasts.

Imperials Punch Back

St. Louis Town Hall Turmoil: Were Protesters Barred as Union Members Entered?

Violence Erupts At Rep. Castor's Town Hall In Tampa

town hall meeting to discuss President Obama's health care reform descended into shouting and violence in a Tampa, Fla., suburb Thursday as angry opponents clashed with event organizers.

Union Latino celebrates Sotomayor's confirmation in jail. "We are at war, so far limited to a propaganda, cultural, and political war, but if the trends I discuss below continue unabated, then my dispassionate, objective analysis is that this country is going to be torn by nothing less than an entirely unpredictable level of violent conflict fitting the most traditional definition of war."

SEIU thugs surround, overpower and hold down a shorter black conservative healthcare opponent.

I don't know why we can't recall or impeach Obama and his union cronies now because the next three years will tear the country apart. Though Tea Party rallies could be outlawed within months at this rate, nullifying the First Amendment, we will not resort to defending the Second Amendment until foreign military or drug cartels march on our streets.

The Democrats should not be attacking, they should be attempting to persuade, to argue for their case. After all, they have the big mic. Which is what the presidency is, the big mic.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Latina Gone Too White

Confirming Sonia Sotomayor, of New York, to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court


You know all those stories you’ve heard about how the Republicans and the Evil Insurance Companies are ginning up angry mobs to intimidate the good-hearted innocent Democratic lambs of Congress as they hold their town hall meetings? Every last one of them was built on a fabrication.

"[Hammer] has just unraveled these SOBs on this memo."
-Rush Limbaugh

WaPo Slams Obama/Joker Posters as 'Coded,' 'Racially Charged' Stereotypes

Infografico Con Dios

Who Came to the US in 2008

Much Ado About Nothing?

Aug. 6 (Bloomberg) -- Overwhelming Republican opposition to Sonia Sotomayor’s U.S. Supreme Court nomination, as the Senate nears a decision to confirm her, widens a partisan gulf that has lawmakers voting on ideology rather than qualifications.

Most Republicans are not voting by ideology like Democrats always scheme, Conservatives vote on grounds of self defense against social justice. Justice is not defined when some impoverished fool loses his iPod and decides to shoot up a liquor store. The Bill of Rights will always be our last Alamo. Conservatives know how easily rule of law transitions into mob rule:

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Twitchy » US Politics