"Since his daughter’s death, Tranchant, a professor from Virginia Beach, has become an advocate for the enforcement of immigration law. He referred to individuals listed on the Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s database of illegal aliens with criminal backgrounds as “banditos.”

That comment drew a rebuff from Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.).
“Mr. Tranchant, can I share with you as the father of two daughters, I thank you for bringing your testimony here, but I suggest to you that if we refer to people as banditos, as you referred to them in your testimony, it does not help to solve the problem,” Gutierrez said."

When law enforcement doesn't call a criminal by name its bound to solve somebody's problem. I ain't got no money so I should just kill myself. Maybe cops should stop arresting illegal alien criminals altogether and solve the problem on the street. No? Well I guess it must be time for me to have some of that electro-shock therapy.
Aren't they afraid I can get out of hand like this guy? Well he's white isn't he, and he fits the profile. WOOOOOOOOOOO!
"Don't tase me, spoonhead!" soooo much fun to watch suffering when it's not your own, ain't that right Rep. Gutierrez?
Richard Poplawski: Was Pittsburgh shooter driven by right-wing gun paranoia about Obama?
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