Thursday, January 8, 2009

Oakland anti-Capitalist Riot

Driven to grief in their inequity, now boastful in their pride, gangbangers, welfare punks and criminals writhing in drug-induced violence inspired by HAMAS against their Jewish oppressors, and whipped by their communist slave-masters, they lash out toward the object of their envy.

(Video) Then wrecked downtown Oakland. The little sh1ts deserved to get their ass kicked.

So there's no doubt it, there were some interesting levels of protest. These, you might call them "professional protesters," they were definitely inciting the riot. They were yelling, "Come back here! Support us! Stand your ground!" And that's when the confrontations happened.

Demonstrators would occasionally disperse, but then instigators in the crowd who appeared to be anarchists called them back.

"Come stand with us," they implored. "Stand up for Oscar Grant!"

To sum up the night, it was pandemonium that seemed uncontrolled, unplanned and unnecessary. Most of the protesters were not thrilled about having their peaceful demonstration thwarted by ugly behavior of a few.

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