Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Black Death

Shit happens when you have a Romulan and a Klingon in office. I was thinking about posting a picture of leprosy here but I felt bad for those people who have it. This is a study in creature effects from Weta Workshop. They also made all the orcs you see on this blog.
boils - Photo Hosted at Buzznet
A followup on yesterday's report claiming that 40 al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM)terrorist had been killed by the plague. In the comments a lot of people were speculating that this was somehow a "tragic" accident, perhaps related to AQIM experimenting with the plague as a WMD.
Sens. Ted Kennedy suffered a seizure sending Sen. Byrd out of the room during President Obama's celebratory inaugural luncheon on Tuesday.
'You Feel God is Speaking to You,' Inaugural Attendee Says...
Wall Street Stays Spooked...

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