Sunday, March 22, 2009

Haters Assembled

It’s too late to tell Missouri’s officers, “That report? Naaaah … just kidding!” The information is already out there and is having an impact. I cannot imagine a more irresponsible act than to compile and make public such an inflammatory report. The person issuing that report should be demoted or terminated. The state should issue an apology and assure citizens that their efforts are based on solid police work, investigation, facts and proof and not snap reactions to a piece of paper glued to a man’s auto.

This effort to reclassify the Christian faith as a terrorist organization will not continue and these scumbags will be defeated because the people do not listen to this rockgut and want to be left alone.

Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, and Newsmax out perform mainstream media outlets my the millions, should they be declared the bitter/clinger redneck capitalist braintree as well?

Bring it on.

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