Even as Obama's popularity slips slightly and approval ratings for Democrats in Congress remain low, the GOP numbers are even worse. Chances of a political tsunami like that when Republicans swept Democrats from control of Congress in 1994 seem unlikely.
President Barack Obama sent Congress a Pentagon budget of $640.1 billion, which the House adjusted and scaled back to $636.3 billion. During that process, members requested $550 million to purchase eight passenger jets. Obama originally sought only $220 million to buy four planes.
This places national security on lockdown and the cost of dissent equal to Gitmo internment. If you don't learn to STFU you are a burden on your family and your ethnic race. Then the only judgement available to you will be through social justice while the government awaits to award players with pleasant healthcare. They're from the government and they're here to throw the dirt on your grave.
Oligarchy is the only thing left to live for otherwise they lock me up and force me to take drugs.