VIDEO: Sotomayor on the court: 'Where policy is made'...
Sotomayor: 'I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male'...
Prospect's Résumé...
Self described 'Newyorican'...
MAG: The Case Against...
NBC: Would Republicans dare vote against first Hispanic Woman?
McConnell: 'Senate Republicans will treat Judge Sotomayor fairly. But we will thoroughly examine her record'...
Woooo! What a turd! The same kind of Mexican I've been waiting for ten years to beat down our front door and put a bullet through my head. But it turns out they're all fracking cowards after all, too scared to finish the job. Hey maybe Obama can lend some malice or gravitas to the wannabes in Delano who need a great leader when they slip in their own vomit.
There are a lot of folks who'd like to crack Obama's jaw and they're not afraid to say so or take the chance and he's got all that power compared to me who everyone hates and I have nothing with no means of self defense. What are the Mexicans waiting for? Am I not offensive enough to their poor peoples who can't survive without child support or welfare?
Sonia Sotomayor needs her ugly teeth knocked out but she'd like it too much. I can't wait to hear what the lib media digs up on her family and young children er....wait she's not Sarah Palin and we can't say anything bad about her...