"It's a little bit surprising, because I think current DEA management didn't get the message," said Kleiman. "The message is, this is no longer drug warrior time. We are not on a cultural crusade against pot-smoking."

California law permits the sale of marijuana for medical purposes, though it is still against federal law.
Thirteen states have laws permitting medicinal use of marijuana. California is unique among them for the presence of dispensaries, businesses that sell marijuana and even advertise their services. Legal under California law, such dispensaries are still illegal under federal law.
"Anyone possessing, distributing or cultivating marijuana for any reason is in violation of federal law," Sarah Pullen, a DEA spokeswoman in Los Angeles, said Thursday.
That may be the law, but it contradicts the medical marijuana position of the new president.
In his memoir, "Dreams from My Father," he described time spent as a youth struggling with questions about his race and identity, and turning to drugs — including marijuana and cocaine — to "push questions of who I was out of my mind."
This is more about tying the hands of law enforcement and degrading social order than anything having to do with the economy. How are Christians supposed to work all day in this environment? The answer is simple, they don't. If you're not selling drugs you're not allowed to hold public office or earn more then $50,000 a year due to over regulation and heavy taxes on the richest (and poorest) companies and job creators in the private sector. What Obama calls change is nothing more than what has been tried and has failed time and time again throughout the history of the world for over 2000 years.
Ancient Egypt, the Roman Empire, the British slave economy, the Iron Curtain, have all failed because because they are a repackaging of the same political system built on the oppression of individual courage and hardship. Socialism controlled by the drug trade.
This is pure occult influence despite what they might say about global warming, fat cats on Wall Street or whatever gut-punching excuse, and though definition of Independence may be cursed to darkest bogs of massive multimedia mires, mysticism, has been and will always be, unAmerican. This policy will ruin the political system more than anything can and it's set to backdoor through the stimulus packages like the Fairness Doctrine and national health care. I choose not to participate in this outrage and pledge to overthrow its supporters.