Thursday, March 25, 2010

Steamrolling Liberty

Liberals who claim they oppose healthcare by misquoting Sarah Palin set to be paid off in California November election
“Baby-murdering scumbag,”“You are a dirtbag” and “I hope you die”

Calif. voters could legalize pot in Nov. election
Those who grow and sell it illegally fear legalization would drive down the price and force them to compete against corporate marijuana cultivators.

Still think your life matters near the hate of chicano pride?
"So that means people like the Lyndon LaRouches, who can get as whacky as can be, just don't come to our arena. Stay away. Don't embarrass us with your presence. If you want to act that way, go create your own venue for acting goofy. But don't impose your absurdity on us, and give the bad guys to allege that it is ours," Armey added.

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