Illegal Aliens March 1,500 Miles to D.C.

Put yourself in the emperor’s sandals. What do you do with such people? You persecute them. You don’t want to. You wonder, “Why can’t we all just get along?” But you also know that if you allow the Christians’ divisive message to continue, it won’t be long till the fragile fabric of your multicultural empire will be destroyed. So for the sake of your kingdom, the Christians must go.
Oh My Brotha! Testify!

Captain America #602 is the most biased politically schizophrenic comic I've ever read. It's a Fabian era pamphlet that we're supposed to consume without question. Here they have Tea Party Patriots and the entire conservative movement misrepresented as a cop-killing (ultimately anti-Zionist if you apply real-world logic) anti-government militia. Conservative patriots are pro-Constitution which demands strictly limited small government primarily concerned with the civil defense of those who protect their right to vote with Free Speech and the Second Amendment as backup. Why do we have to put up with Obama's multicultural nonsense?