Democrats Balk at Posting Healthcare Bills, Other Legislation Online
WASHINGTON -- As Congress prepares to consider historic changes to the nation's health care system, Democratic leaders are balking at supporting a change in the rules that would let the public see the bills' texts 72 hours before a vote.
House healthcare bill under $900 billion: Pelosi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on Tuesday new estimates showed a healthcare overhaul drafted by Democrats would reduce the U.S. budget deficit over 10 years and cost less than $900 billion.

White House Escalates War on Beck, Hannity
The White House continued its war against Fox News Tuesday when press secretary Robert Gibbs singled out specific shows on the Fox News network for criticism: Glenn Beck’s and Sean Hannity’s.
Fox News Reaches Across Party Lines
Is Fox News “an arm of the Republican Party” as White House Communications Director Anita Dunn says?

Obamas big on White House gigs
WASHINGTON — Michelle and Barack Obama sat one table over from J. Lo and Marc Anthony, and all four of them were rocking in their seats as Sheila E. shook the house — well, really the tent.
Dems lock Republicans out of committee room:
'They don't know how to behave'...
ACORN Watch: Fight the thugs