Thursday, October 29, 2009
Mexican Muslims
The Roman Catholic archdiocese of Mexico City condemned devotion to Santa Muerte "Saint Death" that masquerades as authentic Catholic Christianity.
Large numbers of Middle Eastern immigrants arrived in Mexico in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, mostly from Turkey and Lebanon.
Poll: Mexicans say Mexican-Americans Owe Loyalty to Mexico Over U.S.
End-of-life counseling in health bill
Life Under #NetNeutrality
ISPs may not act for years on local complaints about slow Internet—but when a town rolls out its own solution, it's amazing how fast the incumbents can deploy fiber, cut prices, and run to the legislature.
TDS had one main complaint: the project should not be financed with city bonds.
So a company moved up priority of upgrading a town's connectivity before the town was sold out on politics. The essence of Net Neutrality is....who the hell pays for it. There's no plan worth installing when bureaucrats call a telecom greedy then offer IOU bonds to the lowest bidder! The government is worth nothing as it is and the internet is a business built on cash.
Only consumers have cash, not taxpayers broke by social justice. This effort is more about propaganda attacking the image of a telecom which moved in to halt the public assimilation of a valuable network to pad the resume of local politicians than bringing broadband to the people.
Will residents in Monticello ever hear about that or is it still too much fun to bash Bush?
#tcot You Make Me Sad
NEW YORK -- Fox News Channel and the Obama administration are talking. The network confirmed reports that Fox news executive Michael Clemente met at the White House on Wednesday with Robert Gibbs, President Barack Obama's press secretary. There were no details given about the meeting.
Fox has been battling with the administration, which contends the network operates more like a wing of the Republican Party than a news organization.
Fox News won the war, the network is nothing like the Republican Party.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
#tcot There Stands Limbaugh
Of course, Goodell's a total weasel.
"Rush, you'll tell us when it's time to panic, right?" Whether enough people will wake up in time to keep America from being dismantled, piece by piece, is another question-- and the biggest question for this generation.
Inhofe: Cap-and-Trade Largest Tax Increase in U.S. History
Even as their healthcare bill remains mired in a debate over the public option, the Obama administration is pushing a radical cap-and-trade plan that will swamp many Americans with higher energy costs, says Sen. James Inhofe of Oklahoma. A global warming skeptic, Inhofe warns that climate change legislation could set the U.S. economy back years, if not decades.
Fix bayonets....let the moderates fail...then history is written on the Stonewall:
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
U.S. official resigns over Afghan war
Foreign Service officer and former Marine captain says he no longer knows why his nation is fighting
Matt Hoh has paid for his right to speak
Marco Rubio, the underdog gaining steam in his race against Gov. Charlie Crist for U.S. Senate
America Moving from Kingdom of Cash to Socialism Slowly but Surely
Conservatives Maintain Edge as Top Ideological Group
Compared with 2008, more Americans “conservative” in general, and on issues
A good time to be a conservative
Monday, October 26, 2009
#NetNeutrality Battle of the Corporate Titans
It is clear that the debate is about one set of corporate interests battling another set of corporate interests about the Internet, each seeking to protect or strengthen its business model. The FCC is surfing the debate pursuing a greater role for itself, meaning more budget and power.
Consumers are always the ones to be screwed by these socialized power struggles. None of them have any business running our lives or changing how we stay informed. Consumers only want good connectivity at a competitive price without the socially engineered propaganda hustle.
Pelosi: Health care 'public option' needs new name
Communism...why not reap the benefits now?
Watch the Daily Show and free your mind dude!
Once again fandom is hijacked and tweaked into creepy retarded socialist propaganda like Mr. Twister.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Net Neutrality Seeks Destruction of Networks
Google, the powerhouse of Silicon Valley, and AT&T, champion for the old-line phone industry, are marshaling political allies, lobbyists and—in AT&T's case—labor unions for a fight over proposed "net neutrality" rules that could affect tens of billions of dollars in investments needed to upgrade the U.S. broadband network, which lags in speed and affordability compared with some countries.
Thus far, there have been only two high-profile instances of blocking or slowing Internet traffic, and both stopped soon after the FCC told the companies to knock it off.
Sounds to me like Goggle and AT&T are playing out a contrived public feud to kiss the ass of lobbyists on the Democratic side of the argument. Fair-minded Republicans are stepping in as peacekeepers as usual saying quit the antics and grow the pie instead of fighting for scraps while consumer internet connectivity degrades over time. Liberals are all around squabbling douchebags wherever you find them.
Friday, October 23, 2009
McCain Moves to Block His Old Image
U.S. Sen. John McCain has introduced legislation that would block the Federal Communications Commission from creating new net neutrality rules, on the same day that the FCC took the first step toward doing so.
But service providers say the increasing volume of bandwidth-hogging services, such as video sharing, requires active management of their networks. AT&T President of Operations John Stankey said he is anticipating the rule with as much dread as if he were going to the funeral of a dear friend.
What an opportunity to piss on twitter where the #netneutrality comments resound 'f#ck you McCain'.
Google chief favors net neutrality but is wary of regulation
"It is possible for the government to screw the Internet up, big-time," he said. "The part of politics in Washington that's 'who you know' and all that kind of stuff, it's just not very interesting," he said.
Trying to consolidate the argument for us conservatives, I don't appreciate that because Goggle is totally pro-regulation on their own networks.
While conservatives on Facebook and Twitter will appreciate his obstruction if the FCC is set back months or years, we have to remember as far as John McCain's perceived lack of multimedia talent, for the record Senator McCain is old. Just old, nothing else that's it, no need to overcompensate for liberal demands.
There Can Be Only One
Cheney adds gravitas: Stop 'dithering' over Afghanistan
Former Vice President Dick Cheney says Obama must do 'what it takes to win' in Afghanistan
Thanks Guys
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) - In the largest single strike at Mexican drug operations in the U.S., authorities arrested more than 300 people in a sting that demonstrates a young cartel's vast reach north of the border.
La Familia is known as unusually violent, even by Mexico's standards.
Jose Gaspar: Delano weathers storm of high unemployment
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Give to Caesar

WASHINGTON/CHICAGO, Oct 22 (Reuters) - U.S. communications regulators voted unanimously Thursday to support an open Internet rule that would prevent telecom network operators from barring or blocking content based on the revenue it generates.
* All 5 commissioners vote to seek public comment on rule
* Two Republican commissioners have some reservations
* Draft rule would allow for 'reasonable' net management
* Public comments accepted until Jan. 14
* Telecom firms worry rule would hamper network management (Adds vote by commissioners, quotes, background)
WASHINGTON (AP) - Federal regulators took an important step Thursday toward prohibiting broadband providers from favoring or discriminating against certain kinds of Internet traffic.
Blackburn: Net neutrality is 'fairness doctrine for the Internet'

"No way you can ever top that."
Oh the Racists Oppose 'Neutrality'
Democrats, including U.S. President Barack Obama, have generally supported new rules that would prohibit broadband providers from selectively blocking or slowing Web content, but the group of 72 members of the House of Representatives sent a letter Thursday to FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski, saying they're concerned that new regulations would slow down investment in broadband networks. Many of the 72 Democrats are members of the "Blue Dogs," a conservative wing of the party, or of the Congressional Black Caucus.
Although the Congressional Black Caucus isn't traditionally against government regulation, some members are concerned that many African-Americans and other ethnic minorities lack access to broadband networks. Among the House Democrats signing the letter were Elijah Cummings of Maryland, Charlie Gonzalez of Texas and Loretta Sanchez of California.
So liberals must oppose the Black Caucus and Blue Dogs to impose Net Neutrality. Don't worry Barack will set them in back of the bus eventually. Barack tries to impose archaic failed policies from the 40's and the 60's which only gain popularity now because of the mainstream media's endgame demonization of conservative opinion. It's an effort to vilify the internet itself in order to silence Conservative grassroots opposition on Twitter and Facebook because liberals have no ground to stand on until they invade your home then change the locks.
The FCC should "carefully consider the full range of consequences that government action may have on network investment."
The net neutrality rules could slow investments in broadband and slow minorities' access to telemedicine, distance learning and other services, the letter said.
Net neutrality advocates said they were concerned that members of Congress and minority groups were buying into false claims by broadband providers.
“Buying into false claims,” so telecoms lie as long as minorities are stupid enough to fall for it. I'm glad they're here to tell us these things while hiding behind Obama telling minorities they're wrong. Hey y'all it's blackface.
So no, the problem is not the red-state bitter-clinger Christian types obstructive against socialist priorities, only the thin-skinned sellouts like Barack who 'impose Net Neutrality' through arcane regulation as a Marxist alternative to segregation. As a form of reparations to almighty Obama should Blue Dogs or the Black Caucus start calling themselves deaf monkeys because their constituency from poor neighborhoods can't afford FCC mandated broadband and wireless?
Fighting net neutrality, telecom companies, outside lobbyists, cluster contributions to members of Congress
Proposed FCC Regulations May Raise Concerns about Internet Freedom
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Marx Says
First Amendment: Diversity czar Mark Lloyd's FCC votes Thursday on the issue of net neutrality. Advertised as providing access to all, it will do to the information superhighway what Lloyd proposed for talk radio.
“the means of mental production”
Arrogance is Easy
Democrats Balk at Posting Healthcare Bills, Other Legislation Online
WASHINGTON -- As Congress prepares to consider historic changes to the nation's health care system, Democratic leaders are balking at supporting a change in the rules that would let the public see the bills' texts 72 hours before a vote.
House healthcare bill under $900 billion: Pelosi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on Tuesday new estimates showed a healthcare overhaul drafted by Democrats would reduce the U.S. budget deficit over 10 years and cost less than $900 billion.

White House Escalates War on Beck, Hannity
The White House continued its war against Fox News Tuesday when press secretary Robert Gibbs singled out specific shows on the Fox News network for criticism: Glenn Beck’s and Sean Hannity’s.
Fox News Reaches Across Party Lines
Is Fox News “an arm of the Republican Party” as White House Communications Director Anita Dunn says?

Obamas big on White House gigs
WASHINGTON — Michelle and Barack Obama sat one table over from J. Lo and Marc Anthony, and all four of them were rocking in their seats as Sheila E. shook the house — well, really the tent.
Dems lock Republicans out of committee room:
'They don't know how to behave'...
ACORN Watch: Fight the thugs
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Life Goes On or Gathering Storm?
WASHINGTON – Even with an economic revival, many U.S. jobs lost during the recession may be gone forever and a weak employment market could linger for years.
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said he's going to sign an environmental exemption bill that will clear the way for construction of the LA Stadium.
Excuses wearing thin for Obama, media pals
Have you heard the news? President Obama inherited an economic mess from the Bush administration.
Deputies Turn Over 19 Suspected Illegal Immigrants to Federal Authorities Without Incident
CNN's Sanchez Also Hinted Arpaio Was Using Nazi Tactics
Justice concludes black voters need Democratic Party
U.S. blocks N.C. city's nonpartisan vote

Monday, October 19, 2009
Yo, Man
Sharpton sues Limbaugh
Rush: "These intimidation tactics are working and spreading, and they are a cancer on our society."
If I have to say “Jewish interlopers” in place of “entrepreneurs” I no longer want to live in this country.
Gregg: U.S. could be on path to a 'banana republic' situation
Everybody Must Get Stoned
LA's top prosecutor vows to target pot shops
LOS ANGELES (AP) - Clay Tepel knew there were risks to setting up a medical marijuana shop: it could lose money, be robbed or be raided by authorities.
Poll: Only 34 percent of Californians approve of Pelosi's performance
A poll released over the weekend shows that only 34 percent of Californians approve of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-Calif.) job performance, down 14 points from March.
READY TO REVOLT: Oath Keepers pledges to prevent dictatorship in United States
Group asks police and military to lay down arms in response to orders deemed unlawful
If anybody wonders why I still go back to that "cardboard crack" comment, I don't believe in “let criminals kill themselves” because that policy only breeds crime and creates more criminals.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
1994 Calling
One question is how much flexibility broadband providers should have to keep their networks running smoothly by ensuring that high-bandwidth applications such as YouTube videos don't hog too much capacity and impede other traffic like e-mail and online searches. In other words, when does legitimate network management cross the line to become discrimination?
When for example the telecoms should be able to return on their investment then invest into more innovation. Profit is always considered discriminating against the poor when in reality the free market is the only proven method capable of job creation which in turn eliminates poverty.
Broadband providers such as AT&T Inc., Verizon Communications Inc. and Comcast Corp. argue that after pouring billions of dollars into their networks, they should be able to operate those networks as they see fit. That includes offering premium services over their lines to differentiate themselves from competitors and earn a healthy return on their investments.
It seems a “level playing field” which is the left's code for universal poverty, may be the future of the internet if the Associated Press wants to keep up the communist propaganda making it too difficult for everyday users to find actual unbiased information. Net Neutrality keeps telecoms undervalue by degrading the capacity of the internet as a medium for communications, independent media and free market entrepreneurship, mediums otherwise known as You Tube, eBay or Twitter.
The government can't establish the need for free flow of information and services or the necessity of innovation, often mischaracterized as “greed.” Government is powerless to establish a viable marketplace because the government is always preaching to the people they are terrible unwashed masses who are deserving of their institutionalized poverty because not enough people believe in climate control or whatever juvenile disaster of the week.
So many Americans mistrust their government because bureaucracy is a starved cannibalistic beast fearful of abolishment which must inevitability lend itself to the pastime of consuming our infinitely marketable sovereign rights of freedom and independence. An even playing field is the ultimate lack of compassion and discrimination against the poor. Whom better to serve the marketplace of liberty, innovation decisive in its quest to provide internet access with a variety of competitive connection plans, or Obama and his carnivorous "public options" poverty campaign?
Democrats Pushing Hard for 'Net Neutrality'
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Eat It
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, whose sweeps have led to allegations of racial profiling, said the rebuff from Washington won't stop him. He said he can still arrest immigrants under a state smuggling law and a federal law that gives all local police agencies more limited power to detain suspected illegal immigrants.
Arpaio, Sharpton clash over crime sweep
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio launched another of his controversial crime suppression sweeps Friday as the Rev. Al Sharpton came to the Valley to urge blacks and Latinos to work together against discrimination.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Nuns Must End Neutrality
Another nutroots mogul astroturfing the American family as Nazi operatives. Americans can look forward to that and much worse from an internet controlled by a massive socialist government. Ain't no Nazi like the old Nazi but if you dissent they'll still have a reason to mash you up like a bag of meat anyway.
Google Voice Stifles Nuns, AT&T Charges
The battle over Google Voice continued this week with AT&T submitting another filing with the Federal Communications Commission, arguing that Google has a history of blocking access to content it finds objectionable and that its Google Voice restrictions are blocking access to, among other things, a convent of Benedictine nuns.
California appears poised to be first to ban power-guzzling big-screen TVs
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Masters of Righteous Indignation
it's okay to falsely smear a man as a lover of slavery on national TV and then not issue a full apology and retraction on national TV?
Huffington Post Pulls Bogus Limbaugh Quotes
Huffington Post has now removed them, saying the author has not been able to substantiate them.

Anita Dunn
Lt. Marla McGivers: "Will you open your heart?"
"Space Seed"
$20M Kennedy Educational Institute

U.S.-Mexico Group Urges New U.S. Assault Weapons Ban
U.S. troop funds diverted to pet projects
Study finds $2.6 billion taken from guns and ammunition
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Top Quotes From This Year's Nobel Peace Prize Winner
Decline Is a Choice
The New Liberalism and the end of American ascendancy.
The Obama administration really needs to get over itself.
1. Since the founding of the republic, media outlets (the founders dismissed them as "damnable periodicals") have been partisan.
2. Presidents are supposed to rise above their own partisanship and engage with a wide range of media -- even outlets that are hard on their administrations.
3. The worst mistake a president or his administration can make is to try and "whip" relatively like-minded writers and reporters into line.
But let there be no change by usurpation; ... it is the customary weapon by which free governments are destroyed.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Out of Their Gourd
Obama must start punching harder
Apartment residents told to take down U.S. flags
Rage at Government for Doing Too Much and Not Enough
White House Escalates War of Words With Fox News
Health Bill: Democrats Attack Insurers
Source Racist Charges Against Limbaugh
The wet summer also has significantly affected the pumpkin supply in New England. A particularly rainy growing season in June and July caused some seedlings to wash away, some farmers say. Others say their crop is delayed, meaning pumpkins might not be big enough or orange enough by Halloween.
Break out the watermelons!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Gates of Failure?
WASHINGTON — In the chaos of an early morning assault on a remote U.S. outpost in eastern Afghanistan, Staff Sgt. Erich Phillips' M4 carbine quit firing as militant forces surrounded the base. The machine gun he grabbed after tossing the rifle aside didn't work either.
Michael Yon has the scoop on any number of additional equipment and/or morale failures: Prosser shot the man at least four times with his M4 rifle. But the American M4 rifles are weak - after Prosser landed three nearly point blank shots in the man’s abdomen, splattering a testicle with a fourth, the man just staggered back, regrouped and tried to shoot Prosser.
Then Prosser’s M4 went “black” (no more bullets). A shooter inside was also having problems with his pistol, but there was no time to reload. Prosser threw down his empty M4, ran into the shop and tackled the man.
Obviously they need 6.5 mm Grendel as standard ammunition. Either that or more damn troops with grenades or larger heavy weapons and air cover.
White House Declares War on American People
"Fox News often operates almost as either the research arm or the communications arm of the Republican Party," Dunn said.
Nobody wants to mess with Barack yet at the same time we are increasingly forced down that path between Barack and a hard place. That's a byproduct of third-world countries with desperate impoverished populations handed over to greed and drug importing economies. Places like Mexico and Afghanistan where Barack's foreign policy has stalled out trapping the rest of us in dangerous situations where we don't want to be.
In the United States you get voted out or thrown out because nobody wants to be in that filth. Democrats know that so they try and tear down the walls shielding us from the scum of the universe as fast as they can before internet media can digest the impact of their actions. But nobody's going to put up with liberalism anymore, not after this war on Fox News. Because arguing against facts to get on TV and basking in hollowed rewards means nothing. Liberalism in this battle had failed before it had begun to seduce anybody.
Hey ya'll, only Barack can be Barack:
....much like an empty suit on a damn fool with a bureaucracy too big to fail can do nothing.
"So, with all due respect to anyone who still might be confused about the difference between news reporting and vibrant opinion," Clemente said, "my suggestion would be to talk about the stories and the facts rather than attack the messenger which, over time, has never worked."
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Two More Words for Ya
"My weapon was overheating," McKaig said, according to Cubbison's report. "I had shot about 12 magazines by this point already and it had only been about a half hour or so into the fight. I couldn't charge my weapon and put another round in because it was too hot, so I got mad and threw my weapon down."
No upgrade or weapons replacement is going to help you out of an assault, only more firepower and troops and especially since the M249 is not due for any operational changes. Obama dragging his @$$ across the globe doesn't help either.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Over My Dead Body
Meth Labs Making Comeback
Narcotics agents came down hard on the drug-making organizations, so the labs were moved south of the border, Garcia said. And for the past decade, organizations have primarily manufactured in Mexico and smuggled drugs across the border.
But law enforcement in Mexico recently began to regulate better the sale of meth precursor chemicals such as pseudoephedrine and ephedrine.
BULL####! Regulation of over the counter medication has done nothing but inconvenience everyday consumers who are not drug dealers. Why should I have to suffer increased prices, limited availability or have to check out under the pharmacy camera just to buy 15 sinus pills? If law enforcement had the balls to kill the actual bad guys instead of taping off low income neighborhoods all of our lives would be a lot better. Yet as it stands lawmakers and policy wonks are looking to make a cheap buck off the union endorsement. Read the dues payers in the comments, I don't want to live in this filth!
Aw Hell

Friday, October 9, 2009
Spc. Stephan Lee Mace, 21
Sgt. Joshua Kirk, 30
Pfc. Kevin Thomson, 22
Spc. Christopher T. Griffin
Spc. Michael P. Scusa, 22
Sgt. Vernon W. Martin
Sgt. Justin T. Gallegos, 22
Sgt. Joshua M. Hardt, 24
What he said WTF!
Mayor slain in Mexican border town
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
The People's Slot Machine
8-Foot Tall Constitutional Crisis
US troops killed in Afghanistan and Africa
US military deaths in Afghanistan region at 779
The end of Jabroni Street:
Operations Iraq Freedom and Enduring Freedom casualties
U.S. lawmakers press Obama on Afghan war strategy
Liz Cheney: McChrystal Should be Praised
Palin Urges Troop Buildup in Afghanistan
Pew: Majority Supports Attack on Iran Nukes
Lose Afghanistan, Lose Pakistan, Lose Iran, Lose It All
The People's Blame Bush:
U.S. Afghanistan Base: Death Trap From The Beginning
Gates blames past lack of troops for Taliban edge
NBC anchor compares Founders to terrorists
White House angry at General Stanley McChrystal speech on Afghanistan
And finally, Smackdown Hotel:
Obama Tells Lawmakers Afghan Review Is Rigorous
Dreadful Winter
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Like a Boss
How do you make that worse?
Gold hits record high on 'plan' to ditch dollar
Pakistan Taliban head cracks jokes, vows vengeance
Mafia, violent criminals turn to Medicare fraud
Police chiefs endorse anti-terror community watch
Man robs car parts store with crowbar
Sotomayor Takes Active Role on Court's First Day
Monday, October 5, 2009
The Least He Could Do
The Obama administration is muzzling its top military leaders to keep them from publicly airing their views on how to fight the war in Afghanistan. Its primary target: Afghanistan commander Gen. Stanley McChrystal, who said that without more troops, the region will descend into "chaos-istan." .
GOP Questions 'Net Neutrality'
In a letter to FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski, 20 Republicans asked the FCC if the agency will be examining networks, services, consumer electronics equipment, applications, as well as cable, wireline, wireless, satellite and broadband to determine if a rule to govern Net neutrality is necessary.
GOP Moves to Put Brakes on Net Neutrality
GOP opposition over net neutrality grows
People's Chump

Dear Leader furious at General McChrystal for showing...leadership
One word comes to mind when reading the account of how President Obama is “furious” with US General Stanley McChrystal over his speech on Afghanistan.
Obama’s Priorities
You have probably heard by now that Gen. Stanley McChrystal announced that he’d talked to the president only once since his June appointment. What you may not have read is that earlier this year, Andy Stern, president of SEIU, estimated that he meets with Obama once a week at the White House.
Army chief warns of 'terrifying prospect' of failure in Afghanistan
The head of the British Army, General Sir David Richards, has issued a wake-up call to the public by warning of the "terrifying prospect" of a defeat in Afghanistan.
Two Firefights: One Video
We need more gear and more forces now. We can outfight these enemies and we can win the war, but at this rate a favorable outcome is difficult to imagine. This war shows signs that it will become more intense than Iraq at its peak.
Keep Smiling Argentina

Screw dat, play encore:
Olympic Victory Sets Up Battle on Rio’s Crime
China Cracks Terror Cell Planning Olympics Attack
Brazil Evangelicals Target Drug Lords
Second encore:
Ain't ghetto, ain't mariachi, ain't Chicago: RIO DE JANEIRO -- There are 2,496 days until the opening of the 2016 Olympics. Rio de Janeiro, the first South American Olympic host, will need every last one of them to complete an epic urban makeover.
Loss for Words
Hardware firms oppose Net neutrality laws
Why conservatives and libertarians should oppose Net neutrality
Perspective: A better idea for Net neutrality
Verizon and AT&T Oppose Net Neutrality Regulations
House GOP Leaders Complain to Obama About Net Neutrality
House Republican leaders complained Friday to President Obama that net neutrality rules proposed by the Federal Communications Commission could deter investment in broadband networks and hurt the economy.
Google and the Problem With 'Net Neutrality'
Broadband has been a rare bright spot in the economy. Why discourage new investment?
Why? I know why. Hilary ain't never been called a nigger! Because Barack NOES what it is to be a black man living in a country in a culture controlled by rich white people!
Do not allow liberals to god damn R2-D2.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Barack's Whoopass

KABUL (Reuters) – Insurgents stormed remote outposts in eastern Afghanistan killing eight Americans in the deadliest battle in more than a year near the border with Pakistan, the U.S. military said Sunday. Ten US soldiers killed in Afghanistan
Barack can display all the pageantry he wants but losing the Olympic bid is not a satisfactory distraction from his leadership failure on the Afghani and economic fronts.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Lawful Evil
Friday, October 2, 2009
Olympic Slam

Rep. Boehner Accuses Obama of Subverting Constitution
Boehner, while acknowledging that President Obama has a right to domestic and international policy advisers, contends that Obama is crossing the line with his czar appointments. "He clearly is circumventing the Constitution in my view, and I think the heat continues to build on the administration to deal with this," Boehner tells Newsmax.
Finance Committee Democrat Won’t Read Text of Health Bill, Says Anyone Who Claims They’ll Understand It ‘Is Trying to Pull the Wool Over Our Eyes’
Obama Nation Billboard Draws Attention
Garofalo: Led by Limbaugh, 'Tea-Baggers' a 'White Power Movement' Motivated by 'Racism'
Yes We Créu
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Moral Masterlock
I guess the Roman really has reignited the spirit of bipartisanship:
House Republican Leadership Aligns With ACORN: Support pro-gay marriage, pro-abortion, pro-big government ACORN endorsed candidate