The People's Jackpot:
8-Foot Tall Constitutional Crisis
US troops killed in Afghanistan and Africa
US military deaths in Afghanistan region at 779
The end of Jabroni Street:
Operations Iraq Freedom and Enduring Freedom casualties
U.S. lawmakers press Obama on Afghan war strategy
Liz Cheney: McChrystal Should be Praised
Palin Urges Troop Buildup in Afghanistan
Pew: Majority Supports Attack on Iran Nukes
Lose Afghanistan, Lose Pakistan, Lose Iran, Lose It All
The People's Blame Bush:
U.S. Afghanistan Base: Death Trap From The Beginning
Gates blames past lack of troops for Taliban edge
NBC anchor compares Founders to terrorists
White House angry at General Stanley McChrystal speech on Afghanistan
And finally, Smackdown Hotel:
Obama Tells Lawmakers Afghan Review Is Rigorous